16th July, 2008 - 9.30 PM, I was going to the hospital to see my massi. I hired a rikshaw to go to the hospital for Rs 10, for 3 Km distance. The rikshaw puller was thin guy with is young son who was around 5 year old sitting in the basket placed on the handle. While sitting on the rikshaw was just thinking, its another day end, where he was calculating on the money he has earned in a day with his son. He suddenly asked me - Madam aap toh English par sakti ho ? I answered - Yes. He took out a paper from his pocket, slowed the rikshaw and stopped under a street light. Unfolded the paper and asked me if I could help in selecting the best computer out of the mentioned. It was pamphlet containing the details on couple of computer system with their features. He told me that my elder son wants a computer for his own photo shop. Currently he is employed to a color lab where is learing the picture development. For minutes I was in mixed feelings with happiness, sorrow, surprise.. I asked him but how will he manage the funds, He shared with me that he pull the rikshaw in the evening and work with some tool workshop as a helper at nights.... So after dropping me he had to go to his workshop.....
We plan our shopping list before the salary comes :-)
It's 'the pursuit of happYness'.A hardworking father has a dream. And the dream is -his son (owning a photo shop). The man wants to give his children the best possible life.Father's life might be full of struggle but then atleast satisfaction is there.
Considering todays young people life, we don't have to work hard that much(like the rickshaw walla) but get paid very well. Still the money that we earn never give us the much needed satisfaction.
Reason is that the wish list that we have is nothing but a WORRY list.
Very beautifully expressed Ashish - that our wish list is our worry list, I read a article some couple of years back, on happiness which stated - Happiness is a state of mind, we need to question ourself y we want a particular thing, and by questionining each answer we would get only one answer in the end which is that we want to be happy. New clothes, good food, or any other stuff is just a way or resource to a short term happiness, Real happiness lies in ourself... I also practice buddhism, started recently only. Found a changed Rupinder, and developing more on the same.
Buddhism Rocks!!!
Great that there's so many youth's taking up buddhism. Wow! 20-30 years later we gonna have millions and millions of individuals who will talk sense and will bring the much needed change.
And am damn sure you will definitely get your answer of true happiness(Absolute happiness) as you move ahead in your life holding the brightly burning candle's of buddhism.
Are you a member of SGI or some other buddhist org.?
I am soon suppose to join SGI, one of my frd is a member from last 10 years i guess, he introduced me to buddhism. So now i m regularly chanting, I am suppose to formally join in SGI...
Have a grt journey ahead...
Gakkai needs people like you who think about others, in one word- compassionate.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
I found your ...blog intersting ..great yar keep writing..
Hey Mona,
Would like to see your blog, explore new thoughts, if you can give me the access...
Hey Rupinder,
Thanks for sharing this. This was very inspiring.
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