Thursday, December 18, 2008

Care beyond Self ?

Not my thoughts, one of a friend wrote to me, which made me think.. So wanted to share with you.....


I sit here in my office thinking - Can I make a difference to the disaster made by the terrorists or the criminal mind? YES, I can make difference by doing my bit by spreading love and care around me. We are not terrorists but do we care beyond self?

Here are few questions if answered in NO would lead us to a better future:

Do I need to step on someone to stand tall?

Do I need to win at a cost of someone's life?

Do I need to use harsh words to make myself listen to?

Here are few questions if answered in YES would show that you care beyond self:Does it disturb you if someone not related to you dies in a bomb blast?Can you fight for someone / something which will not benefit you financially?

And that too at the cost of your own expense and time.



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